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How to Maintain Your Advertising LED Display in Daily Life?

Advertising LED displays can be seen everywhere you go. They are mounted in supermarkets, along highways, and in shopping malls. An advertising LED display is an excellent way to reach out to potential customers and sell your service or product. They are proved to be effective, because of which many companies invest a large sum of money on advertising LED display. If you have bought an advertising LED display, I must say you have made a very wise and smart decision. To ensure the longtime efficient working of an advertising LED display, you need to maintain it. In this article, I will tell you how to maintain your advertising LED display in daily life.

How long does advertising LED display last?

The lifespan of an advertising LED display varies from product to product and the frequency of periodic maintenance. But on average, a typical LED display can last for around 80,000 to 120,000 hours. But this lifespan is based on optimum conditions, and the lifespan is significantly reduced when the environmental conditions are harsher. If proper maintenance is carried out, a seamless operation of the advertising LED display can be ensured for a longer time.

What will affect the lifespan of LED displays?

The lifespan of LED displays is affected by different factors. Some of those factors are listed below for your considerations. 


Wear is an inevitable factor. It can be reduced but not eliminated. The more advertising LED display is used, the more wear occurs.  


Even though advertising LED display is equipped with a heat dissipation mechanism, sometimes the heat exceeds the threshold limit and causes damage to the LED display.


Moisture affects the working of an advertising LED display. The rainwater enters through leakages and causes harm to the LED display. 

Environment conditions

Certain environmental conditions affect the advertising LED displays, such as wind, rain, snow, humidity, UV, so on. 

How to maintain the advertising LED display? 

  • Regularly check the internal components of the LED display. 

Checking the internal components such as display units, transmitting cables, special video and graphic cards, hold controller, metal frame, etc., is very important to ensure the proper working of an advertising LED display. 

  • Maintain a stable power supply to LED display and check the power supply system

A continuous power supply is always a must requirement for an advertising LED display. Power interruptions can significantly reduce lifespan. You should maintain an uninterrupted power supply to the LED display. Moreover, you should watch out for short circuits.

  • Keep LED screen body away from water, iron powder, and other easily conductive metal objects.

Factors like water and iron powder are very harmful to the operations of an advertising LED screen. You should keep easily conductive metal objects away from advertising LED displays.

  • Clean the LED and screen regularly 

Every machine needs periodic maintenance and cleaning; likewise, an advertising LED display is no exception. An unclean LED affects the display and the graphics of the displayed picture or video. To clean the LED, you can use a non-abrasive cleaning solution such as Isopropyl alcohol diluted with distilled water. Spray the solution on the screen, and using a clean cloth, then you can clean the screen. The most recommended type of cloth to clean an advertising LED signage display is a microfiber cloth. 

Follow the maintenances as mentioned above, and your advertising screen will work effectively for a longer time. 

Where to find the best LED display supplier? 

Finding the best-LED display supplier needs some research. Well, you don’t need to do the research. I recommend you the Uniview. Uniview is a leading advertising LED display manufacturer. We offer a wide range of LED screen solutions for different applications. The highly qualified and professional team is dedicated to producing high-quality products. Reasons to choose Uniview are as follow:

  1. More than ten years of experience 

  2. A successful history of manufacturing and distribution 

  3. An experienced team of 30 engineers 

  4. Delivered products to customers from all around the world

  5. Premium quality products 

If you want to buy the highest standard LED display board for advertising, feel free to contact us.